

Management Policies

Medium & Long term Business Plan

Medium & Long Term Business Plan 2023(FY2024 ー FY2025)

Basic Policy

Based on its corporate mission we will develop new, innovative technologies and applications with a commitment to environmental sustainability, thereby enabling the advancement of technology for the betterment of humanity”, Fujimi will realize conversion from an abrasives manufacturer to "Powder & Surface" company by expansion of existing businesses (semiconductor-related business, etc.) and by creation of new businesses that will become new pillars of businesses, and will contribute to the achievement of a sustainable society.

Major Measurement

1. Creation of new businesses that realizes conversion from an abrasives manufacturer to “Powder & Surface” company

2. Building a robust foundation for semiconductor-related businesses and establishing an overwhelming position in the field of materials for next-generation semiconductors

3. Reinforcement of core technology and development of new technology

4. Challenge of developing GRIT* organization and human resource that realize a 100-year-old company

5. Implementation of sustainability management

*GRIT: courage and determination despite difficulty

Quantitative Target

Net Sales in Billion of Yen 58.3 77 95
 New Business Sales Ratio 2.0% 15% 20%
 Non-Semiconductor Sales Ratio 14.0% 20% 25%
 Non-Polishing Sales Ratio 4.4% 8% 10%
Operating Income Margin 22.7% 20% 20%
EBITDA Margin 25.6% 26% 27%
ROE 16.1% 15% 15%

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