

Frequent Questions


Q1When was the company founded?

The company was founded as Fujimi Abrasives in 1950. In 1953, corporate structure was modified, and the company became Fujimi Abrasives Manufacturing Co., Ltd. For further details, please see the "Corporate history" section of the home page.

Our History

Q2When did the company list on the Tokyo and Nagoya Stock Exchanges?

The company listed on the first section of the Tokyo and Nagoya Stock Exchanges in February 2007.

Our History

Q3What is the securities code?

The securities code is 5384.

Basic Stock Information


Q1What is the fiscal year-end used by the company?

The company settles its accounts on the 31st of March each year. It releases earnings on a quarterly basis.

IR Calendar

Q2When are earnings actually released?

This company's fiscal year is from 1 April to 31 March, and earnings are released quarterly. The “IR calendar” section shows the scheduled days of the company's earnings releases.

IR Calendar

Q3I would like to see prior financial statements for the company.

Historical results for the company can be found in the “IR Library” section of the home page. Please look at the information on financial statements and business reports.

IR Library


Q1Who is the administrator for the shareholder registry?

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank, Ltd. is the administrator of the company's shareholder registry.

Share-related Administrative Procedures

Q2What is the contact point for various stock-related procedures?

Please contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank Ltd. for name changes, delivery-related matters, and address changes.

Share-related Administrative Procedures

Q3When is the general shareholders meeting?

The ordinary general shareholders meeting is held during the later half of June.

Q4Are there any special benefits for shareholders?

No, not at this time.

Shareholder Returns, Dividends

Q5What is the company's dividend policy?

Please reference the section on “Shareholder Returns, Dividends”.

Shareholder Returns, Dividends


Q1What is the contact point for IR-related inquires?

Please use the “Inquiries and requests for information” section to make contact.

IR Inquiries, Requests for Materials

Q2What are the basic IR policies of the company?

Please see the section on “IR policies”.

IR Policies

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