

Corporate Governance

Governance Systems and Policies

Corporate Governance Systems

Every month a management meeting attended by the directors, auditors and senior management takes place to enable the company to quickly respond to changes in the operating environment. Actions needed to deal with business-related problems, legal and other issues under the Articles of Incorporation, and other important business matters are discussed. In addition, the Board of Directors meets regularly each month to discuss its operational oversight function and determine important business matters.

The company has introduced a corporate audit system, in which corporate auditors attend meetings of the Board of Directors and other important meetings and hold the Board of Corporate Auditors meetings periodically or as necessary. The corporate auditors also audit legality and appropriateness of the director's execution of businesses and provide appropriate advice and make proposals on management. In addition, the company appointed one substitute corporate auditor in preparation for the shortage of the number of corporate auditors as stipulated in laws and regulations.

Internal Control Systems

Under the Companies Act, the company maintains (constructs and operates) internal control systems, as well as internal control systems for financial reporting under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law. We also have various internal regulations related to marketing, procurement, inventory management, and each business process, as well as checks and controls for financial reporting and compiling financial statements to ensure appropriate operation of business activities.

System diagram of Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Systems, Schematic

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